How long will your savings support your loved ones?

  • What types of Life Insurance are there?
  • Which type of policy is best for me and my loved ones?
  • Is my existing policy suited to my current situation?
  • How can I ensure that my loved ones do not financially struggle if I died?

Individuals and Families often overlook Life Insurance with the ‘everything will be fine’ approach. In truth the financial burden of losing a regular income into the household cannot be more serious and daunting. Life insurance is a VITAL part of financial planning for anyone with dependent children or anyone who is financially affected by your death. A tax-free lump sum benefit could go towards your family maintaining their lifestyle, paying regular bills and more importantly ensuring that they still have a family home to live in. Your family’s financial security should never be compromised so we should never run the risk of leaving them potentially exposed to such circumstances.

Life insurance is not about ticking a few boxes online to find the cheapest quote only to then be bombarded by endless marketing emails, post and phone calls. We help create your unique ‘Personal Protection Portfolio’ offering regulated professional in-depth expert advice with a fully qualified adviser, all tailored to your needs and financial circumstances. Such important policies where your family’s financial security is at stake should not be left to comparison sites where there is potential to void claims due to incorrect information or policies being set up incorrectly – they should be done by an expert!

We can put your policies into Trust, so they are not liable for inheritance tax and that the right money goes to the right people at the right time.

So, with many products to choose from where do you start…? Vital Protection has access to all the leading U.K. industry providers, we look after the application from the start of the process right until it is up and running with ongoing support whenever you need, keeping you informed throughout.

We will not charge you a fee for our services relating to insurance but we will receive commission from the product provider. The commission will be calculated as a proportion of the premiums paid for the insurance product.
You will receive a quotation which will tell you about the fees and charges relating to any particular insurance policy that we recommend. Speak with a qualified professional today and give your loved ones that peace of mind that they are financially protected.

Ms Jane Doe example:

Ms Jane Doe is 32 years old, a non-smoker with no medical conditions. She wishes to leave behind to her husband and two children £100,000 as a lump sum should she die within the next 30 years.

Ms Jane Doe’s monthly premium = Less than £7 per month!

[Source: IRESS Exchange broker quoting system as of Dec 2019]