Life insurance financially protects your loved ones in the event of your death. These policies have a ‘term’ associated with them and guarantees a pay-out should you die within that specific term.

Yes, we have good relationships with insurance providers so we can pre-vet your application to give an indication on potential prices. We also deal with specialist providers who focus primarily with individuals with existing medical conditions.

It really depends on several factors such as age, smoking status, existing health, family history, and even dangerous hobbies, oh and of course the amount you want to leave behind to your loved ones. Simply put; the younger and healthier you are the cheaper it is! Monthly premiums can start from as little as £10 but like with all things in life, what you pay for is what you get. With our advice we can help put something together around your budget and circumstances.

Not everyone does need Life Insurance however if you have a mortgage, large debt or children who are financially dependant on you then Life Insurance should be at the top of the list! Take a moment to image how your sudden death would impact your home and family if you were not protected…how long before the savings run out? You may recognise that bold phrase at the bottom of every mortgage statement ‘Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up to repayments’.

Yes, so long as your death is not self-inflicted there is no reason why the policy will not pay the benefit to your nominated beneficiaries.

Critical Illness policies cover a broad range of common and rare serious illnesses; the main ones being cancer, heart attack, stroke, and multiple sclerosis. The policy pays a lump sum to provide some ‘breathing room’ to recover and not rush back into work. Critical Illness cover is also available for your children should they ever become diagnosed with a serious illness.

Yes, we have helped arrange many policies for self-employed individuals, from painters and decorators to musicians to Company Directors. Typically, an income protection policy can cover your monthly income of up to 65% BEFORE tax deductions.

Yes, a House person is just as vital to a family than a working person. If you were taken seriously ill and could not look after your children who would? A replacement income could help pay for childcare to prevent your partner taking time off work to manage the children.

Terminal Illness is when you have less than 12 months left to live. Most Life Insurance policies have this benefit included and you could get early access to the funds in order to pay for medical costs or go on that dream holiday.

The internet is immensely powerful and with a few clicks and taps, everything becomes available to us. What the internet lacks is advice and having that professional conversation with an industry qualified expert. No one would fix a boiler from watching an online video…and setting up a protection policy worth hundreds and thousands of pounds should be no different. When it comes to claims, queries or questions we are here to help you and your family.