Your income will stop…but your bills wont!

  • Can my family survive on benefits of £95.85* per week?

  • What impact will no monthly income have on my/our lifestyle?
  • How long does my employer pay me if I am off work with illness?
  • How long does Income Protection last?

Long term illness is more common than you may initially think with millions of business days lost with U.K. workers being off from illness or injury. Nobody really thinks that they are personally going to be off work for weeks, months or even years with an injury or illness. However, we all know of someone who has had to rely on benefits, family or dip into hard earned savings having suffered an unexpected long-term illness causing them to not work. Only when the unthinkable happens do individuals seriously repent on the fact that they never took out some form of insurance to ensure they could comfortably pay the monthly bills and mortgage. In truth, to receive state benefits you must meet strict criteria and the process can be extremely strenuous…for the sake of £95.85 per week which may take months to be accepted or declined.

Vital Protection offers the solution to our clients that should you ever be off work through long term illness or injury, the monthly bills will all be on track allowing you to focus on your recovery and return to work. Income Protection policies pay a regular monthly payment with some providers offering up to 65-70% of your gross monthly income. For example, an individual earning £2,000 gross per month suddenly suffers a long-term illness, an Income Protection policy will pay regular monthly payments of £1,400 until the age of retirement, the individual dies or returns to work – whichever occurs first.

With our everyday essentials like our satellite, internet, and mobile phone packages all contracted to a fixed period it is merely impossible to cancel such subscriptions without early cancellation fees. Vital Protection will put together your bespoke ‘Protection Portfolio’ safeguarding you from having to make extreme sacrifices and lifestyle changes which will impact both your family’s and personal lifestyle.

We have access to a wide range of specialist providers and setting up the policy with expert advice is VITAL to ensure the correct monthly figure is paid regularly to ensure monthly and lifestyle commitments are still met.

Speak with an experienced Professional today about how we can put something in place to maintain your home and your lifestyle…we will not charge you a fee for our services relating to insurance but we will receive commission from the product provider. The commission will be calculated as a proportion of the premiums paid for the insurance product.
You will receive a quotation which will tell you about the fees and charges relating to any particular insurance policy that we recommend.

*statutory sick pay of £95.85 [source:]